We incorporate transformative techniques that combine the science and art of healing.


  • NKT (NeuroKinetic Therapy)

    NKT is an innovative manual muscle testing technique that allows the practitioner to trace muscular compensation patterns throughout the body. Injuries, pain, and repetitive strain alter our movement preferences over time leading to compensatory movement strategies. When these strategies become fatigued, pain often results.

    Consider the hockey analogy of 5 players on the ice working together to score a goal. If one player goes into the penalty box, the roles of the remaining 4 players changes as they now need to work harder to achieve the same goal. This adaptive strategy is similar to that of muscular compensation patterns in the body.

    When a therapist releases tension from the body it is valuable to understand why that excessive tension exists and what area of the body needs to be strengthen to avoid recurrence of injury or pain. To change a poor movement pattern we must create a new one. NKT helps us understand which muscles should be released or stretched, and which areas should be strengthened.

  • AiM (Anatomy in Motion)

    The goal of an AiM practitioner is to guide your body into alignment in order to help you find your centre, and to create an environment for optimal healing. The AiM flow motion model provides a comprehensive framework to explore how adaptation from injury or habitual postures creates lasting dysfunction, and how this is redistributed through the body. It guides movement assessment, breaking down what each joint does in every phase of gait, in every dimension. This allows the AiM therapist to assess what clients are missing from the foot up, to understand the nervous system and how it’s motor control and musculoskeletal system interact against gravity, and how through repatterning we can guide the system to stop straining inefficiently and start to reorganize and move to a state in which the body thrives. Treatment employs the human body as the ultimate healer through movement-based techniques to restore the body’s ability to control ground reaction forces and return to optimal function.

  • Neurofunctional/Medical Acupuncture

    Neurofunctional Acupuncture/contemporary medical acupuncture is a precise neuromodulation technique targeting peripheral nerves, but affecting the spinal cord, brain stem, brain and cerebellum. After a thorough biomechanical and movement assessment, therapeutic goals and treatment targets are selected based on the identified neurological dysfunctions contributing to the clinical presentation of the symptoms.

    Treatment involves peripheral nerve stimulation through sterile, single-use, fine, solid acupuncture needles with either manual or electric stimulation to elicit regulatory mechanisms in the body through up-regulation or down-regulation of neurofunctional sites. Based on anatomical landmarks and modern medical literature, the goals of medical acupuncture are to modulate the nervous system; increase the firing of muscles, accelerate tissue healing and composition at the cellular level, modulate pain, normalize muscle tone, and improve functional biomechanical issues.

  • SFMA (Selective Functional Movement Assessment)

    Founded on global movement assessment and regional interdependence, or the concept that dysfunction can lie in parts of the body remote from the site of pain, the SFMA provides a framework that guides the therapist to the most dysfunctional structure that is adversely affecting a global movement pattern. The SFMA also provides a unique objective assessment system to incorporate a movement pattern baseline for both treatment and performance optimization. Using the SFMA, movement patterns are systematically broken down into component parts to elicit whether the dysfunction involves joint mobility, tissue extensibility or motor control issues in order to guide appropriate treatment. This also allows SMFA practitioners to quickly assess whether these interventions have affected only local movement competency or effected a longstanding change in global movement patterning.

  • Proprioceptive - Deep Tendon Reflex

    Proprioceptive - Deep Tendon Reflex focuses on resolving the body’s held patterns of trauma and injury that present as altered reflexive changes. Treating reflexes can reduce muscle guarding responses while improving muscle tone, pain, and range of motion.

Collectively, we explore how adaptation impacts the body post-injury to create lasting dysfunction. Through movement, manual therapy and repatterning, we guide the body to reorganize and shift towards a state in which it thrives. We incorporate transformative techniques that combine the science and art of healing to promote a shift away from pain and towards improved function, movement, and performance.